The source of sustainable happiness is on the inside and the realization of our true state of Being. All things emanate from and resolve into this true state of Being, a state of Oneness whose very nature is Bliss. The illusory journey of the individual then is one of dissolving the Ego-self and there by overcoming the individual-world duality and Be in this Natural state. For one on this journey, until such a point where one is able to inhere in this Natural state, there is a world of names and forms and the perceived need to act. Inner work is a set practices that keep one closer to ones Natural state and ensures that one participates in the outer work as an instrument of destiny. The body-mind-ego complex is the portal that initiates this illusory journey and its health and well-being is essential until finally the portal and with it all duality is subsumed in the Bliss of the Oneness.